Top 7 Best Linux Distros for Laptops

Published on February 9, 2024

If you recently bought a laptop, the next thing you might be thinking of is what Linux distro to use. There are numerous Linux distros that you can install and use. However, the distros differ depending on the task you want to perform and the hardware compatibility of your laptop. Previously, people believed that Linux distros only work with servers. However, installing and running a Linux distro on any laptop is possible, provided you know the installation steps. Before you jump into installing Linux distros, here’s a listicle of the top 7 Linux distros for laptops you should consider starting with.

1) Ubuntu

Top on our list is Ubuntu. The Linux distro has been ranked among the best options for anyone starting with Linux and looking for optimal performance, ease of use, and flexibility. Ubuntu has an active community, and its versatility has made it a great first option for new Linux users.

With Ubuntu, you can install any of its flavors, such as Xubuntu, Lubuntu, or Kubuntu. By default, Ubuntu uses the GNOME desktop environment, but feel free to try out its flavors and see which works best for you.

2) Linux Mint

Linux Mint is ranked as a beginner-friendly Linux distro for anyone switching from Windows OS. It is lightweight, and its appearance slightly resembles Windows. Its user interface is straightforward to use. Notably, Linux Mint utilizes three variants: MATE, XFCE, and Cinnamon. All the variants are icon and menu-driven.

One reason that makes Linux Mint beginner-friendly is how most features, especially wireless devices and printers, work seamlessly without troubling you with configuration. So, if you want a beginner-friendly Linux distro, Linux Mint is the way.

3) Manjaro

It is an Arch-based Linux distribution ideal for a regular Linux user. Manjaro stands out for its hardware detection feature that scans your hardware and installs the ideal compatible drivers. That way, you won’t encounter hardware compatibility issues when running any drivers.

If you’ve tried Arch before, you know how hectic it can get to install it. Luckily, Manjaro is a seamless way of enjoying the Arch Linux environment without breaking a sweat installing it. Manjaro has three flavors: XFCE, KDE Plasma, and GNOME.

4) Elementary OS

If beauty is your thing and you want a Linux distro focusing on appearance, Elementary OS is home. It uses a Pantheon desktop environment, giving you a feel of using Mac OS. Everything about its look and feel will make you feel like a Mac OS user running a Linux distro.

Still, Elementary OS comes preinstalled with most of the drivers you need for day-to-day activities, and you can quickly install more from its store. Moreover, it doesn’t require complex system requirements to run. 4 GB RAM with minimal storage will get the job done.

5) OpenSUSE

OpenSUSE is a reliable option if you want to dive into the world of IT professionals and require a stable Linux distro for all your activities. Users love it for the preinstalled tools, such as OBS. With OpenSUSE it mainly favors someone looking to use it for tech activities.

Nonetheless, you can configure it for your day-to-day activities. Its post-installation configuration is easy, and whether you use it with a new or older laptop, its drivers are compatible and won’t give errors.

6) Fedora

Fedora is your option if you prefer using a KDE Plasma desktop environment while enjoying a powerful computing experience with a simple interface. You will appreciate Fedora’s customizable interface, and its power management features guarantee that you can use it on a laptop comfortably with longer battery life.

Another notable feature is that Fedora lets you tweak the interface to suit your preference. Its numerous customization options, such as room to create virtual desktops, are handy in giving you a user-specific interface.

7) Pop!_OS

Although it comes last on our list, Pop!_OS is another excellent Linux distro worth installing on your laptop. It was developed and maintained by System76, and the best part is that it comes with NVIDIA drivers preinstalled. Many gamers appreciate the distro as it saves the time required to install the NVIDIA drivers. However, its user interface is not the best compared to the other discussed distros.

Even as a programmer or a developer, you will love the numerous development and coding tools that come preinstalled. Besides, Pop!_OS has some outstanding features, such as stacking windows and auto tiling.


Linux is an open-source and powerful OS that you can utilize for all your activities. Before installing Linux, you should understand the available distros to guide your decision on the best option for your case. We’ve presented the top 7 best Linux distros for laptops. Hopefully, this post has cleared your doubts about which Linux distro you should install.

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